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Disciples of discernment S1E15

Disciples of discernment

Discernment is a necessary attribute of spiritual maturity. Learning to know and recognize when something aligns with the word of God or his will for your life is only part of honing this gift from the Holy Spirit. As we are learning to discern God’s voice and will from our own, we will make mistakes. Effective discernment relies on our ability to sift through the information we perceive and take appropriate action. If you are truly being led by the Spirit you will act on the information He has given You! Judging what to do with the information is a matter of maturity as well. Sometimes we are called to point out the err of a brother or sister but doing so should be done as Christ would, in love and compassion. Ultimately, the goal is that no one shall perish.

· 01:04:33

Discernment is a necessary attribute of spiritual maturity. Learning to know and recognize when something aligns with the word of God or his will for your life is only part of honing this gift from the Holy Spirit. As we are learning to discern God’s voice and will from our own, we will make mistakes. Effective discernment relies on our ability to sift through the information we perceive and take appropriate action. If you are truly being led by the Spirit you will act on the information He has given You! Judging what to do with the information is a matter of maturity as well. Sometimes we are called to point out the err of a brother or sister but doing so should be done as Christ would, in love and compassion. Ultimately, the goal is that no one shall perish.

 “The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the words of the wise bring healing.”
Proverbs 12:18

1 Kings 22:1-40- Micaiah prophesies against King Ahab and his 400 prophets 

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Or email us at godbecrazypodcast@gmail.com 


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